Opinions on a litter of wildies. ..

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Where are you located? Yes, don't tell the vets the they are wild! weil's disease is so incredibly rare from leptospirosis. Yes, shame on those vets for being so greedy. Reading up, it looks as though Baytril isn't effective enough to treat any possible leptospirosis. You need penicillin or doxy I think. Otherwise, I'd totally be blagging myself some Baytril to treat get them all treated!

I think Joanne has a great idea about calling some rescues. They will absolutely have some great advice for you, seeing as they probably have to deal with these types of situations a lot.

Don't lose heart. Those babies need you. You're doing a great job and you're doing everything you can.
I've tried vet schools (I used to be a student at one) and they want £40 for the consultation plus £75 for testing. If the test came back positive they'd treat all of them, but if it came back negative they'd want to test the remaining 7. I've spoken to another 4 vets today, I have been told I should pretend one of my rats is sneezing but I tried that tactic and the vet said if I had other rats I'd need to bring them all in before they could have anything prescribed. I think it's awkward because I'm rarely at a vets so I don't have a relationship with one. I'm so stressed, these babies are getting older by the day and I physically cannot keep them here much longer, I only have the tiny baby tank they're in and I've got no where else that I could even keep a cage that's larger. The course of antibiotics is 14 days long apparently too so even if I do get some I have no idea what I'm going to do with the rats themselves for that long. Gah. I'll start looking around for rescues for help ready to call in the morning :(
Hope some people in the UK have a good relationship with a good vet and will help,
because treating them all for a few weeks with antibiotics should not be a problem
The babies seem very suspicious of me very suddenly. They're not happy bring handled today and seem very panicky. I have been turned away by the RSPCA and all the rat rescues I can get to. I cannot get hold of any antibiotics and I have no homes lined up now without them being treated. They have outgrown their baby tank and I have no other option or space for anything so I think I'm going to have to hand them over to a lady who believes she can prepare them for release. I feel that I have failed these babies and in future I think it's best that I say no to any more orphans, rats or otherwise. I'm very upset but I thought I would post the outcome on here as I hate it when threads are left hanging on forums. Thank you for all of your contributions, I am very grateful.
Is there any way that Claireybell2477 can help you?
Maybe by getting meds from her vet?

I am so sorry that things are looking so hopeless right now {{hugs}}

It would be better to have them humanely put to sleep by a vet then to release them
because they have no chance of survival .... Here is some info http://www.ratshackforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7652
Wild rats will also see them as intruders and kill them
Wish you were here as I would take them :(

Bonding them with pet rat babies to learn how to adjust to captivity and
need to continue to be socialized by people ..... the number you have is a lot for one person to work with

Have you contacted lilspaz68 for ideas?
You might be able to find a second hand cage or borrow one from a rescue
Don't tell vets etc that they are wild

If they wouldn't chew through plastic then a bin cage would be a temp measure http://www.ratshackforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2279&highlight=bin+cage
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Vacant Eyes - Where are you located? Apologies, but I've asked twice lol I'm in the UK and I might be able to help! If you're close, I could blag some anti biotics and pay half. Plus, I know a great rescue in Surrey. Let me know! Xx
Sorry I keep forgetting to answer you it's not intentional >. < I'm based in Nuneaton.
Good news: a very lovely lady has just collected the three boys and is going to source antibiotics to treat them herself. She's been doing a lot of research and has bought a large metal based mesh cage. She has taken some of the powdered milk just to offer incase, but they seemed okay being taken. Now the females aren't as crowded so I have been generously given more time to sort them out. Slightly less stressed tonight.
That's great news! I wish you were closer, but Birmingham is just too far for me to get to at the moment.
Keep advertising for a loving home. Have you tried gumtree?
That's the plan, but neither of us have had any luck so far. She's already told her vet she's getting wildies so she needs to let the vet forget about that for a while before she takes them in i believe. I can't believe how many vets have been so unhelpful :(
Still no progress :( Does anyone know of any rescues that would be able to take these? I simply cannot afford the amounts the vets keep quoting and they're just getting bigger by the day. I'm not able to house them here long term (I have squeezed this tank into my spare room, I have other pets that would literally kill them otherwise, I have nowhere safe to put anything larger as housing). If not, is euthanasia definitely the only option? Is there no way of making them releasable?
no there isn't anyway for them to be released

Claireybell2477 on this forum has offered help, please contact her and see if the two of you can work something out.
You could send her a private message on this forum
Please don't release them. It's too late, they will die and suffer if you do. I'm in Surrey. I don't drive and I work full time and there's no way I could get to you.

Can you advertise them on gumtree? There must be a rescue that will take them. Can you make some more calls?
Sorry, I sent that as you were commenting. I've tried advertising on gumtree but my ad was taken down as apparently you're not allowed to advertise wild animals (which is understandable). I'm waiting to hear back from one more rescue, but the other two that are reachable by me have both said they can't help. The only person who has offered to help is someone who thinks she can release them, so she isn't able to help realistically either. I really, REALLY don't want to euthanise them, but I literally cannot offer them quality of life and it's not fair on them at all.
I think the only thing to do is buy these girlies a bigger cage. You can get them second hand for £50. Wait until they are a bit bigger and take one of them to the vets saying she's sneezy. Blag a months worth of antibiotics and treat them all for any potential disease, then advertise them.
That's what I would do if I couldn't find a rescue.

I know it's a burden and it's stressful, but these poor rats need help. They've got noone else but you. The boys have gone so that's a result. I think you've just to wait until you can find a home for them. But in the meantime whilst you're waiting, and to take the pressure off you, get them a bigger cage.
I see by your other post that you cmdont have room for a bigger cage. Please don't give up. Keep calling round the rescues and advertise on other forums too. I hope you get a positive result back from the rescue you're waiting to hear from.
I hope so too. I'm trying my best to keep handling them (though they're not as trusting as they were when they were younger, noises and sudden movements really spook them now), none have ever tried to bite me and they've never screamed or really freaked. I try to spend an hour each day with them but they're living in what is essentially a junk storage sorta room, so I really hope none of them ever panic and bolt as they'd be lost forever in that pile! But that's why there's no more room :( I've asked if I can keep them at my parents but my dad has said no. I don't have anyone else I really know apart from my partner's family, who loathe rats.

I've messaged a london based rescue as I know someone who travels there regularly who I'm HOPING will be able to transport these guys if needs be. I'm cleaning them out twice a day to keep on top of the small cage situation but there's not really room for much in the way of stimulation (they have deep bedding and some cardboard tubes). I'm waiting to hear back from a nearby-ish rescue but a couple of "rescues" have been quite rude about it :/ I feel like I've spent days on the phone to various people. A lady at the RSPCA said I that I "must have a mental problem" to have gotten myself into this "situation" :/ I wish I had disposable income that I could just get them treated and re-home them but I'm already behind on bills as I've just had hefty vet bills with my dog this month.
Argh, you should put in a complaint about that horrible woman at the RSPCA, that's terrible! You're being kind and doing what any decent human being would do.

I have just messaged Furry Friends in Coulsdon, Surrey. The lady that runs the rescue is lovely. I've asked for some advice on this situation.

You're doing a really great job keeping them clean and handling them. The jumpiness is normal. My ratties are spoiled and have been babied their entire lives and the little wusses still jump at their own shadow lol

Let's see what Emma has to say at Furry Friends. Hang in there!

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