New to forum- from Illinois

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New Member
Sep 20, 2014
Hi, all! I'm Kelly and I currently have 3 male rats in my family. Alex and Munchkin are 2 boys that I am babysitting for a girl that I work with. These 2 boys are great but have a bad habit of biting fingers when you try to open the cage. Their mom had been feeding through the cage bars.
My baby is Axel. I brought him home from work because he had an URI. He wasn't getting any better and I took a chance that he would improve once taken from that environment. I'm excited to say he is just fine. He still won't climb onto my hand to come out of the cage but he loves to be pet and he lets me pick him up. I'm still not able to let him out of my hands as he tries to get away if I try to put him on my shoulder. I look forward to learning all that I can.
Are you looking into getting a friend for the rat you adopted?

Not sure how far you are from Indiana, but I know hopefloats on this forum runs a rescue in LaPorte, Indiana. I recommend taking the long drive and supporting her rescue by adopting! That is, if it's not too much of a drive. (I sure hope she doesn't mind the advertisement I'm making).
:welcome3: to the shack! I have adopted many of my boys from hopefloats and I'm sure we can get some to you if your interested.
Thank you for the welcome. First, Alex and Munchkin are the boys that I am rat sitting and they share a cage. Axel is in his own cage. At this point, I am not ready to get a buddy for Axel. Maybe, when the other boys are back with their mom I will get him a buddy. For now, I'm giving him tons of attention and working on getting him comfortable with coming to me. I can pick him up but so far he won't come out on his own. I've been trying to upload photos and videos from my phone but it hasn't worked. I wanted to post a video of the vocalizing that Axel does frequently, during the day. Is it possible to post pictures and videos from my phone?
It is easy to post pictures through the app Tapatalk on your phone or tablet. I'm not sure about videos.
I usually upload my videos to YouTube and then post the link.
Welcome! Getting Axel a well socialized buddy from a rescue can really help his socialization process because the buddy will show him that it's okay to trust humans. I would definitely start looking into it sooner rather than later.

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