My Ratties <3

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So, I figured out what is going on between Ridi and Dobby. Dobby is literally taking food out of Ridi's mouth and eating it. When Ridi gets a new piece, Dobby takes that one. So on and so forth. So, in conclusion Ridi gets fed up and shows his alpha status Which results in Dobby pulling away and getting those scratches I've posted. So the smaller rat is like food bullying the bigger rat? Do you think this will turn into a problem when Dobby gets to the size of Ridi?
Rats prefer food someone else has - if they have eaten it and are still OK, then it must be safe to eat. It may be a combination of that and Dobby being a bit of a brat. They will have to figure out the pecking order as he grows up.
Okies, Ty Joanne. Idk why none of my boys have done this before. They must of been abnormal. XD
Update. Dobby and Ridi are getting along. Dobby just likes to be a brat and Ridi will push him and do a small nip. Doesn't break skin anymore and Dobby stops. just thought to update. :) also Zer0 is a fatty Thanks to his father feeding him pumpkin seeds. And the two Angels have been so loving! This weekend they all met a dog and cat and all the animals get along! Took the angels 2 days to settle in, but They're bustling about again. :)

Zer0 being cradled by his daddy.
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