lump on throat

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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2013
1.) the lump is a little smaller than a quarter
2.) the lump grew rapidly (almost overnight, maybe over the course of two nights)
3.) the lump is pretty hard
4.) the lump is movable (i.e. i can grab it and move it around with his loose skin. It can be moved quite a bit.)
5.) he doesn't care when I touch or mess with it
6.) I tried to do a fine needle aspiration this morning (3 different sites on the lump) and got nothing out. It seemed like I was "sucking air" when trying to withdraw a liquid.

I originally was thinking abscess because of how fast it came on and the fact that it's very movable. I also *thought* I found a tiny scabbed over scratch on the center of the lump (hard to tell on a squirmy rattie.) But wouldn't an abscess leak pus like crazy when punctured with a needle?
Please do not puncture it with anything.

If it is an abscess it will come to a head and burst.
some people apply a warm (not hot) compress to abscesses.

It would be helpful if you could post some pictures.
Sorry those are huge, I uploaded them from Tapatalk off my phone. They were all taken about 10 minutes ago.

Also, it's not like I was using a knitting needle, guys. :p I used a 27 gauge needle and did exactly as my vet told me when she showed me how to do it on my cat.
That placement could be a mammary tumour but just to be sure it's not impeding his breathing, I'd get him checked out by a vet.
UPDATE - he just got out of surgery, vet suspects possible mammary tumor, was very well encapsulated and the vet was confident he got it all. Slightly more vascularized than normal, possibly not benign because of this...

any tips on preventing metastasis?
Yeah, the vet was almost willing to put money on the fact he got it all. Said it was very well encapsulated but more vascular than he was expecting. Nimbus lost more blood than the vet wanted him to. :( Took him quite a while to recover, I was nervous.
yeah he's been getting spinach and kale "patties" (mushed up with some olive oil to hold shape a little better)

the vet TRIMMED HIS TEETH so he "wouldn't chew his stitches" (ugh!) which really only made him not want to chew solid food at all, so we've been testing out textures to see what's comfortable

metacam x2 daily (which he hates without a little grape jelly) and baytril, which must be flavored with COCAINE because I've never seen a rat go this crazy for baytril before (weirdly whatever they used to flavor it has no scent!)

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