Is my rat pregnant?

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Maybe she's just gaining weight cuz she's growing... I haven't seen too many pregnant rats. But I don't think she really looks pregnant. She kinda just looks like my girl and she's spayed. The nipples look normal too... But the daily weight gain is suspicious....
That's what we were thinking earlier but the swelling of her belly is only on her lower abdomen, exactly where a pregnant belly would be. She seems to be gaining too much for her to be just gaining weight.
Maybe we could get an updated belly pic?
But remember what hopefloats said, astryd was acting normally when she went weigh her but she was already giving birth. So it might be a surprise when it starts!
Here are some updated pics from a few minutes ago. I also took pics of one of our other babies to compare.






Do you see the lumps near the front? Is that what that is?

She looks more and more pregnant every day!

Emma is pretty cute! Thanks! I have no clue what color she is. It's like a light agouti or something.
Beautiful girls! I can see her baby lumps as well :) You should be able to see them moving when she is sleeping or being really still but if it is a small litter which we hope it is I don't know if you would see it very well. My gabby had 9 babies in her little body and I could see them all moving about the last couple of days while she was sleeping on her back.It was super cute but not something I wanna go through ever again haha I didn't sleep for days waiting for them to come.But it is a wonderful experience watching them grow everyday but like I said not something this grandma wants to go through again until my human babies have babies :)
Yea that second photo there changed my mind. She's looking pretty preggo to me.... Both your girls seem pretty chill being handled like that.
My boy would put up a huge fight and the only way I could get my girl to sit still for those pics would be if I woke her up and she was still half asleep...
Hmmm. Ok. Well monitor her close tonight. She only gained four grams from yesterday. She's definitely slowing down.

Sunday 11/9/14 (158 grams)
Monday 11/10/14 (169 grams) +11 grams
Tuesday 11/11/14 (179 grams) +10 grams
Wednesday 11/12/14 (186 grams) +7 grams
Thursday 11/13/14 (195 grams) + 9 grams
Friday 11/14/14 (202 grams) + 7 grams
Saturday 11/15/14 (210 grams) +8 grams
Sunday 11/16/14 (216 grams) +6 grams
Monday 11/17/14 (220 grams) +4 grams
OK this is funny! everyone else seems to think that the photos show a pregnant girl, I see a rat who likes to eat.....not necessarily pregnant

Is it possible, because she's so young, that she's been pregnant but the litter um, failed? for lack of a better term- and that she is now resorbing the litter?

Keep in mind, I've never seen a pregnant rat in real life, def can't go by anything I say lol
I would think that she was real sorting but she keeps gaining. Now if she stops or loses weight, then absorption is what I would say. Also, she is only round in the lower abdomen area. :/

I have also never seen a pregnant Dat in real life so...Yeah. lol
If she loses the babies and starts reabsorbing you will see that loss. She's gained 62 grams in only 8 days. I really don't think rats can get that tubby that fast unless they were mistreated and/or malnourished before. If you look at pictures of fat rats vs pregnant rats the difference is glaring. I see lumps in the belly too that look like the shape of pinkies.
From what I have read, mama could gain less weight as she is about to give birth... the gain starts small gets bigger then smaller again at the end.
Whatever is going to happen is probably gonna go down in the next 48 hours so we'll see soon either way. XD
She definitely looks preggo to me. And remember a weight loss/no weight gain doesn't mean she isn't preggo. If you look at lilspaz's post about Lilith's weight during pregnancy you will see she took a small drop a couple days before giving birth. It's just a waiting game now.