I want one....

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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2013
Well - one day.
A short tailed Opossum. I got to hold one today & it was SO TEMPTING to take it home with me!!! I WILL have one eventually. In the meantime - I can become very knowledgeable about them :)

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I was surprised how friendly it was. I held a male. It was very similar to holding a very friendly rattie! And awww - so cute! The guy told me that of course it is a marsupial & has a pouch. Well - as I have been doing some research on them & actually they are the only marsupial that does NOT have a pouch. Guess he may not know all THAT much about them- LoL!
I read that the babies at birth are the size of HALF a grain of rice - WOW, isn't that crazy? I feel myself getting one , one day. Oh - and one thing I read is they will not potty where they sleep. Hmmm - some ratties need to take note of that!
I know after my ratties all pass - I will not want to have another for a while. These have been a very special group that I have had as I have had them since birth & had their mom & dad. Maybe later down the road I will take in a rescue or 2 that really need a good home & love.
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Awwww - comon SQ... don't tell me there aren't many here on this forum that wouldn't give these little guys a wonderful home. They have never seen the wild, they are captive born. If you wanna think that way - then our ratties are imprisoned too! They live in cages, at least mine do.
A short tailed opossum can live a much healthier longer life with a person that loves it than in the wild. No predators, no worries. Not arguing :boxing: with you, just my view on it.
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Awwww - comon SQ... don't tell me there aren't many here on this forum that wouldn't give these little guys a wonderful home. They have never seen the wild, they are captive born. If you wanna think that way - then our ratties are imprisoned too! They live in cages, at least mine do.
A short tailed opossum can live a much healthier longer life with a person that loves it than in the wild. No predators, no worries. Not arguing :boxing: with you, just my view on it.

They are very cute but I have to agree with SQ. The thing to remember is that for every wonderful home there are many more terrible homes out there and just because they live longer does not mean it is a better life. Humans have a very hard time accepting that animals are not on this Earth to be used by us. At the end of the day the opossum is here because of purposeful breeding which I personally do not agree with. I will do what I can to support rescues and adopt animals in need but I will never pay for a purposely bred animal ever again.

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