[HELP] Out of options to stop my rat from biting her surgery stitches

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So my rat got surgery on monday and then it was all fine until the next day she bit open her wound so we went to the vet on wensday they put new staples and and on the same evening she took the staples out AGAIN then the next day on Friday we brought her back to the vet. then she got like a little sweater made out of a sock with bandage around it and she took that off to today (saturday) and now there are no options left its only a matter of time for her to bite her wound open AGAIN and im so concerned i dont know what to do anymore. i didnt sleep for days now
I really have no idea! I'm so sorry that must be frustrating!
Maybe you can ask the vet if there is any way you can get sedatives safe for rats to give her?( I do not know if there is such a thing for rats, but my kitten had gotten attacked by a dog and had feeding tube through his neck directly in his esooesoph, and hekept trying to rip out, so we gave him sedatives and it helped.)
Also make sure you have pain meds.
Sometimes pain and itching causes them to open the stitches.
Additionally, I might ask the vet for a bit of the suture glue they use in case she opens it and you can't get to a vet right away?
Lastly, try putting all kinds of destructible toys, LOTS of paper to shred hidden treats.etc To try and keep her busy.
At this point, with how long it's been, it Should not be super urgent if she opens it. The wound should be more superficial by now. They heal EXTREMELY fast. Unless she is really opening it up.
Also I would keep an eye out for infection being messed with so much.
Keep an eye for swelling, redness, or heat around the site or deeper in her abdomen.
What is she getting for pain control (med, strength mg/ml and how much & how often) and her weight?
Usually when rats do not leave stiches alone it is because they are not getting effective pain control
She could also be reacting to the meds she was given
It's natural for rats to try to "groom" off anything they feel doesn't belong on them, or you. I would keep an eye on it, and talk to the vet about getting her some metacam for pain, like SQ said. Depending on where the surgery site is, and what it was for, it may be healed to the point that she doesn't even need to keep going back to the vet.
As mentioned before, most times if their post-op pain isn't managed properly (a LOT of vets underdose oral pain medications or don't send any home) they will pick and pull at their incision site. What pain meds did they send you home with? What dose were you giving?
When our rat had surgery for a tumour she split her stitches a couple of times, and ended up with a body stocking and cone of shame. We were also given medical honey to help with healing.


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