Fredericton, NB, Canada - Southpaw Animal Hospital

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
New Brunswick
Dr. Krista Foreman
SouthPaw Animal Hospital
389 York St.,
Fredericton, NB
E3B 3P6

Dr. Foreman treats rats, mice, hamsters, rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs, cats, and dogs. On my own rats she has removed tumors, spayed, neutered, and treated for myco and a severe bite wound.
I also recommend Dr. Krista Foreman. She has done a double lumpectomy on one of my past ratties. It was a tough surgery and he came out fine. She's awesome.

Dr Shannon Lewis, also from SouthPaw Animal Hospital, is an excellent vet. She's the vet I primarily seen with my rat health concerns. She's awesome too!!
Dr. Krista Foreman has learned about rats, although she is not an exotic vet.
In my experience, other vets at her clinic seem to know little about rats ... have under perscribed meds, etc. (according to the drug dose info in the RatGuide and also the Rat Health Care book.)

If you go to this vet clinic with rats, take them to Dr. Krista Foreman.
The other vet I met whom is presently working at the clinic (Dr. Lewis) is a nice person and is likely a good vet, but she seemed to know little about rats and did not seem willing to learn when RatsForever spoke to her about RatsForever's ill rat and her concerns. (I just came along for the ride.)
Some people may disagree with me, but Dr. Foreman has been amazing towards my rats. Although, Dr. Foreman is not an exotic vet she is well educated and has made the effort on a number of occassions to conduct research, listen to my suggestions, and consult other vets (she even called Godmother's vet). Her surgery is pretty great - she doesn't leave scares and there is always a speedy recovery. Dr. Foreman has even given me her shoulder to cry on.

When Dr. Foreman has been on maternity leave or away I will take my crew to Dr. Lewis because we have now developed a relationship and an understanding. Dr. Lewis has listened to my suggestions and has consulted other vets - one time she phoned Dr. Foreman at home. Nevertheless, Dr. Foreman, by far, is exceptional at that clinic.

The vet assistances also treat my rats and I with great kindness - they even recognize my voice when I call.
One of my boys started sneezing a lot recently. It's gotten bad all of the sudden, so I put him in isolation (but it's probably too late now to save everyone else from getting sick :( ). I need to take him to this animal hospital... but I'm pretty afraid about the price. Not that it makes a difference aside from how much it kills my wallet. :doh:

How much can I expect treatment and meds to cost me? I think it's likely that standard myco thing rats get since it's so common. Right? I'd have to treat two cages worth of rats :(
Really? Great :joy: He's been sitting alone in his cage while I'm in class and I've felt terrible about it all day :) I'm going to call the animal hospital tomorrow (I called after class but they'd already closed).

I'm sure he's going to be a million times happier with his brothers. Thank you :)
I want to commend another vet at South Paw Vet Hospital, Dr. Ali Crandlemire. My Tia suddenly got very ill (probably with PT) on Labour Day, and Dr. Crandlemire was on call. She said that she didn't know much about rats, but she and Linda used Debbie Ducommun's book as a guide to try everything possible for Tia. (I was on vacation so I wasn't there when all this happened)

Linda told me how much this vet cared and how willing she was to learn more. I am very impressed, and would happily recommend her to anyone in need of a vet. We are pretty lucky here in Fredericton to have some outstanding vets who care about rats.
When I first got rats, I took them to this clinic and to Dr Krista Forman.
I changed vets a few months later because I was unhappy with the treatment my rats were given.

Recent events, including the tragic death of Nicole and the medical treatment provided to a rat (Emma) whom RatsForever adopted from me quite awhile ago, have reinforced my opinion. (viewtopic.php?f=21&t=19266&start=105)

The vets and other staff at this clinic are nice people, very friendly, and may be good vets for many animals, but in my experience this is not a good place to get rats treated. I believe that to take rats to this vet is to put their lives at risk. This of course is just my opinion.
Despite SQ's most unfortunate loss, I will continue to have this hospital treat my rats and dog. I've only received wonderful care from the doctors and staff.
If you decide to use Southpaw Animal Hospital, make sure that the vet will not use a snuggle safe on an unconscious animal, during surgery for example.

The snuggle safe comes with instructions containing a warning NOT to use with an unconscious animal.
This warning is also imprinted onto the surface of the snuggle safe by the manufactor.
An unconscious animal can not move away from a covered snuggle safe if it is too hot and therefore may be seriously burned.



A vet at this clinic, Dr Krista Forman, operated on Nicole and used a snuggle safe covered by a towel while Nicole was unconscious during surgery.
See viewtopic.php?f=21&t=19266&start=30 to read about Nicole and her horrible, painful, unnecessary death.
Reposting this as a warning:

When I first got rats, I took them to this clinic and to Dr Krista Forman.
I changed vets a few months later because I was very unhappy with the treatment my rats were given.

More recent events, including the tragic death of Nicole and the medical treatment provided to a rat (Emma) whom RatsForever adopted from me quite awhile ago, have reinforced my opinion. (

The vets and other staff at this clinic are nice people, very friendly, and may be good vets for many animals, but in my experience this is not a good place to get rats treated.
The negligence of Dr Krista Forman caused Nicole to be burned to death.

I believe that to take rats to this vet is to put their lives at risk. This of course is just my opinion.

The only good rat vet I am aware of in NB is Dr Scott Stewart at Islandview and in New Maryland.

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