Exercise balls

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Do rats enjoy exercise balls? I read that they don't like feeling enclosed.

Big fat NO. Its not good for them or made for them at all. Its another thing petstores sell that is inappropriate for rats. There are some (very few rats) that don't mind them but the majority really hate them. A wheel is much much better for them...they can get on and off at will :)
Big fat NO. Its not good for them or made for them at all. Its another thing petstores sell that is inappropriate for rats. There are some (very few rats) that don't mind them but the majority really hate them. A wheel is much much better for them...they can get on and off at will :)
They don't seem to like wheels. They examined it a few times, but they haven't actually used it. They actually broke it somehow last night, the wheel itself was separated from the base that holds it up.
It is also very bad for their backs and very poor air circulation. The balls are called "death balls" by some. Like Lilspaz said - not actually good for rats, regardless of being advertised as so.
The balls are not good for any pet.
They are called death balls by some because animals over heat in them and die every year.

Animals do not like them because they are no fun .... the animal is trapped inside a ball where they can not interact with their environment.
Balls are also bad for their backs.

Solid, 12 inch diameter (or larger) wheels are good for inside the cage .... rats may use wheels in several different ways - exercise, bathroom, bed, etc

Rats (and other small animals) need a safe play area where they can run, climb, explore, play and interact with you.
Some people use a bed, a couch, a bath tub with the plug securely in, a play pen or a secure play are.
Toys, boxes, tubes, fisher price toys such as the garage (yardsale of kijiji or craigslist items), etc are fun items for play areas.

Some balls, with the ends removed and bedding added, can be hung in the cages as used as a type of hammock. The concern with this is that toes may be caught in the slits. Since there are now many options of things to hang in the cage, this has become less popular.
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Yes, I actually have the cage set up so that one of the doors actually creates a bridge to my bed, and I just open it so that the rats can cross it onto my bed for play time.
I had a bunch of rats never use their wheel ever and then along came Rolo he was like a long distance runner loved that thing would run in it for ever in the evenings just burning off all that he ate. Some of my other rats have used it once or twice but Rolo is really the only one that loved it
They might change their mind later on in life or not but don't worry about it if they don't like it they might just like cuddle times better :p
My new girls took some time to figure out what the wheel was for and how to use it but now they love it so maybe yours just need to get used to it. On the other hand some rats completely ignore wheels for their whole life .
I still wish I knew how they broke it. :p I'll put it back together, and put it back in the cage, and see if they ever learn how it works.
I heard that wheels are also bad for them cause it causes wheel tail which could cause stress and damage on their spines. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I've never heard of that. Would that be caused by non solid wheels?

I think that only happens if they use the wheel excessively. Wheel tail I believe only refers to the tail curving in the up ward curve of the wheel. Wheels are good for exercise, but they make even better spots to sleep on. Solid wheels are the best they cannot get their feet/tails/nails caught in them as they can with the mesh wire ones.
Ah, I assumed wheel tail would be an injury to the tail caused by it being caught in mesh wheels.
For a die-hard runner, they learn to carry their tail up in a curve so it doesn't drag on the wheel. They get so accustomed to it that when they're running around at play time they will hold their tail up in a curve even though they are not in the wheel. It is also know as wheelie tail. It does not indicate any type of problem.

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