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I have a Silent Spinner, super quit, super easy to wipe out and my girls love them, I spray it down with vinegar and wipe it out every other day(my girls like to poo and run at the same time)dirty birds they are.

I just recently bought another one because they were constantly fighting over the one. Almost every time I look in the cage now there is someone running in both of them. :lol: I was afraid it would be waste of money but thank goodness it wasn't.
Silent spinner it is!
They are the Superpet wheels that are 2 different colours right?
I saw them at the pet store and couldn't believe how expensive they were! But if that is th best kind then that is the kind i will get!
I use the SuperPet RunAround [Hah!] It's the wire mesh one. It's really great, fits just about anywhere in my cage, and it doesn't collect pee/poo like the solid wheels I've tried before. it's also metal, so I don't have to scream at the baby for chewing everything... Well, not as often. You can find them on Ebay sometimes relatively cheap, and Amazon.com sometimes carries them, too. I've never seen them in my pet shops, but they're not big on the small animal stuff, either.

I have a silent spinner that my Chimo loves :heart: but as he's getting older he doesn't use it as much to run in but rather to eat and sleep in :lol: Mine is purple 12' one and it's not as hard to clean as you might expect it, I modded mine so little toes don't get stuck in the vents :D although they might be expensive at first, they end up paying for themselves in rattie fun pretty quickly.
I don't use any for my rats.. They're all lazy. lol. But I do use a SuperPet RunAround for my gerbils, and it works pretty good. lol. But looks like a silent spinner won this one. :shock:
Most rats refuse to use them. Most people who bought them [and found out the rats hated them] use them as little snuggle spots. Ziptied to the side of the cage with some fleece thrown in.
My girls hate the ball. Lucille is the only wheel runner, and I have a silent spinner that has been getting lots of use. I have heard that the mesh wheels are highly recommended but I can never find them big enough.

Poo maracas anyone?