What is this sound my rat is making? (Video)

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New Member
Jan 6, 2020
I brought my pet rat home yesterday and he has been sneezing a lot and sometimes makes weird sound when he sniffs around. He squeacks when touched sometimes and also when playing with his friend. I got them a week apart, they are around 8-9 weeks.
I called my vet but we didn't make an appointment thinking it's just stress.

Could you please listen to him and tell if he might be sick?

He starts sneezing and noises begin in the second half of video.

Video here:
Password: petrat

He sneezes aroun 22sec, sound begins at 40sec
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So the sneezing is new home sneezes. Basically he's getting used to his new enviroment. If it persists after maybe 5 days then go see a good rat vet. About the other sound it sounds like hes just sniffing. Cute little boy though! Have fun with him:D <3
Squeaking is normal when they are playing. Some rats are way more vocal than others because the other is pestering them. I refer to this as "whining." Like, my one rat, Genji, gets stepped on by another rat and he squeaks. Some rats complain about everything, while others never make a peep.

The only time you should worry is if there is blood being drawn or if one rat is getting injured from the other.
OK the noise he's making sounds like him sniffing but he's got the sneezes right now, so when he sniffs, it makes a whistling noise, much like you or I would when we have a stuffy nose or booger. If it worries you, put the rat's sides to your ear like a little rat phone, and make sure you only hear a whoosh of air as she breathes, or no sound. The squeaks are them just being vocal. Most sounds they make are inaudible to human ears. Sometimes you'll get a more vocal rat (I have one who's a crybaby, and freaks out and sometimes squeaks like he's being killed) and they will make all kinds of different squeaks for different reasons. Skittle, my skittish boy, sometimes freaks out and squeaks if he's picking on Taco, and Taco tries to put a paw on him and grooms him. It's actually kinda funny! He will even squeak if I reach in and touch him while he's sleeping or he doesn't expect it.