Weight Loss Support Thread

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
I have been on a weight loss journey since Sept of 2008 and have lost 95 lbs so far. A lot of members on the forum have been asking me “how did you do it” or “what did you take” well I’m here to tell you that I did it with eating healthy, exercising and a lot of support from friends.
It was suggested on the chat that we start a weight loss thread where people who are trying to lose weight or even maintaining can get the support that they need. I totally and wholeheartedly agree! I think a thread is a great thing and this is where I’m going with this.
Here you can talk about your weight loss progress, slip ups, achievements and anything else you can think of! I am also a moderator of a weight loss forum so if I see any interesting articles that I think you guys might be of interest, I can share them!
I'm definitely interested in learning more... I keep making bad choices and it's great to know there's support out there. I did join Sparks but find it way to confusing and just too much info overload.
As a former fat child/teen, I have found the following key to maintaining my healthy weight.

1) Eat whole foods. Skip all the processed crap. Fresh fruits, veggies, legumes, lean meats, whole grains, nuts and healthy oils. Keep sugars and whites (bread, pasta) in check...they throw your blood sugar out of wack and make you overeat later. Cook your own food...get a slow cooker if you pressed for time.

2) Exercise. It took me a while, but now I love to run. Find what you enjoy. Even a walk after dinner makes a difference. You can't skip the exercise if you want to maintain long term weight loss.

3) Take good quality multi-vitamins. They help your body work better, and give you more energy.

4) Eat less more often. I try and eat something at least every two hours.

5) Treat yourself. If I want a sweet, I walk to Dairy Queen and get a small cone. If I want chips, I buy a small bag. Just keep it in moderation.

6) If you slip up...don't beat yourself up. I've had days/even weeks where I've gone "bad." McDonalds, chips, donuts...you name it. The key is to get over it, and get back on track.

I love Ultra Metabolism by Mark Hyman: http://www.ultrametabolism.com/

The recipes he includes are a little wacky and expensive, so I ignore them. But he gives a great explanation on how different foods and food groups effect our bodies. He also gives of list of different herbs/vitamins/supplements that increase metabolism and body efficiency. PGX has been a life saver for me around fat laden holidays.

Good luck and God bless. It's tough, and you're not alone.
minuke99 said:
Sorry if that came of preachy or arrogogant...I'm passionate about this subject.
Don't you worry, I'm passionate as well.

Had a bad night last night, got munchy and just wouldn't stop eating. I'm back on the eating plan as of Tuesday.
That's a good list to live by.

I'm off work next week so I don't know how well I'll be... Plus, how unfair, Thanksgiving and dieting. :(
jorats said:
That's a good list to live by.

I'm off work next week so I don't know how well I'll be... Plus, how unfair, Thanksgiving and dieting. :(

How true Jo, our major holidays are coming up also. I don't attempt to start a diet during the holidays, but I do try not to over eat. I work our Thanksgiving and Christmas as family is to far away and I won't cook the traditional meals just for me. Candy and chips are my biggest weakness.
Meh...I'm such a mess. For a year while I was in grad school I went on what I affectionately call "the Petsmart diet": my car broke down so I had to walk everywhere, I spent 8 hours a day lugging 40lb dog food bags etc. while I stocked shelves, and I was trying to pay $700 a month in rent on minimum wage so I couldn't really afford to eat anyway ;) Worked great. Was, of course, terrible for me, but hey.

Fast forward a year, now I'm in a happy relationship, making good money and working a nice sedentary call center job that has pot-lucks every few weeks, catered lunches, etc., and add in the fact that I LOVE cooking...and stopped smoking....and started taking birth control.......oh yeah. Gained back all of my "petsmart" weight and then some. I'm positively tubby right now. *prods tummy*

After the holidays, I'm doing...something. I'm running out of pants I can wear........
My biggest problem in losing weight is exercise. I have yet to find something I can stick to. I've been monitoring my food intake, and have stayed in exactly the same place for a year, no ups or downs. Which in itself, is frustrating. I'm actually at a loss of what to do... I need to make some sort of routine change to include exercise, but I don't know what form of it. I'm having so much trouble committing to anything, or finding something that works for me. I have bad knees from injuries when I was a teenager, so I need to find something that is gentle on them.

I gained all my weight after highschool, the majority of it when I went away to college and had no exercise and the most horrible diet for eight months. I think I gained 40 - 50 lbs in that time and haven't been able to loose it since.

So I was wondering what kind of exercise plans do you use Zooy? :) I'm going to start gathering ideas and formulating something I can begin to seriously stick to. I really need to focus and get my mind on track.
Shelley said:
So I was wondering what kind of exercise plans do you use Zooy? :) I'm going to start gathering ideas and formulating something I can begin to seriously stick to. I really need to focus and get my mind on track.
I go to Curves at least 3 times a week... before I had a car (which I got 3 weeks ago) I walked or biked everywhere. Haven't done that lately, should get back into that!
I also own a elliptical so in the winter I make sure to get on it twice a week for at least 20 min a session. As well as biking during the spring and summer everywhere.
Lots of exercise for this girl.
If you set aside 30 min a day to walk, run, do crunches in front of the tv, thats a start!
People with bad knees need to avoid any impact exercise and that includes walking. But I have found that a stationary bike helps a lot, unfortunately an elliptical is also hard on knees.
I have patella femoral disease in both knees so I have to be careful in what exercise I do which is probably why I don't do much. :oops:
Since becoming pregnant I haven't had many cravings at all. But what it did was help me understand my cravings I had before. McDonalds, chocolate etc etc. These are things I've learned and now try to incorporate into my eating habits.

1. When it came to me wanting fast food I realized that when I wanted it was when I was really hungry. As humans (and going back to primative time) when you are hungry, overly, you wanted fast calories to get into your system. I would personlly want McDonalds because I could get it fast and eat it right away. I realized anytime I was super hungry that's when I would say 'I want McDonald'. It is one of my fav. fast food joints.

2. Eating less and walking away from the table before you get full, they say it takes 20 min to process you are full.

3. As said previously, allowing for that snack but being smart about it.

I think key thing first is learning what makes you eat what you eat. I know I'm going to work on this after the baby is born. I hope to be successful.
If you have bad knees, give aquafit a try. You can do it at your local YMCA, so it's pretty cheap. My friend does it and loves it, and you can do it year round. Because it's in the pool it's ZERO impact.

For those who can handle a little impact, try Zoomba. Also at the YMCA, it's soooo fun, you don't even realize you're exercising.
minuke99 said:
If you have bad knees, give aquafit a try. You can do it at your local YMCA, so it's pretty cheap. My friend does it and loves it, and you can do it year round. Because it's in the pool it's ZERO impact.
I did Aquafit with the older ladies when I was in Cuba. I loved it. The problem is, Aquafit classes in my area are at ridiculous times of day. I'm sorry but I am not available to work out at 11 a.m on Thursdays!!

Doing Doggie Daycare for three years has demolished my knees. Things like aquafit are the only options I have left. I've even left curves for that reason.
My YMCA is way across town, it would take me an hour just to get to and come back from it... an hour I don't have. But it sure sounds like it would be great.
I need to get back into playing DDR :p I miss the one in the mall so desperately, I would go and spend $20 to play all day and I'd be dying when I got out. Actually, come to that, I'm thinking a Wii might be a good investment....I've heard good things about the Wii fit and I might actually be compelled to use it.
Zooy 95 pounds in one year, what an accomplishment. You must be so proud of yourself. WOW!
You look great BTW :D
My sister let my her husband buy a Wii if he bought her Wii Fit.. im not sure if shes used it often though.

And Moon, i did doggy daycare for 6 weeks and it killed me! (im so stupidly unfit) Even just mopping the floor was making my stomach muscles work and muscles i didnt even know i had.

As for walking for 30mins a day, it helps if you have a dog. It kind of gives you an excuse to walk to places that you wouldnt normally walk to on your own
I walk 2 miles a day (on a track) 7 days a week. I have lost close to 50 pounds! I also watch what I eat, no longer drink soda..that sort of thing.

The Wii is a great investment with Wii Fit Plus. My daughter LOVES it and works out everyday..she is 12 so its not that she needs to, but wants to :D I love that she is taking an active role in being more healthy along with me. She is my walking buddy and the best support I could of asked for :heart: