Weaning advice for 4 wild handreared rats

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Currently being tamed by 4 rats. ☺🐀🐀🐀🐀
Apr 23, 2022
Yorkshire, UK
I have begun weaning the 4 wild rats mentioned in my new member introduction, and I'm wondering how long it should take?

I've been introducing a variety of fresh and dried fruits, alongside their regular milk feedings, and attempting to get them used to drinking water from a bottle and a bowl.

For the past 2 feedings (today), 2 of the rats have refused the milk, actively turning their head away from the feeding syringe.
The other 2 babies have been taking a little bit of milk.

I've got 3 Human Babies, and I have handreared litters of Feline Kittens and Canine Puppies in the past, so logic is telling me that they are refusing the milk because they are enjoying the food. However, they have only been testing solid food for about 48 hours...I was expecting it to take a week or two (or possibly more?) until they were ready to stop the milk?

Urine was a little dark the 2 days before I started introducing foods, hence why I thought to give them a try. Urine colour is returning to a more acceptable level.

Weights are brilliant, since introducing solid foods every baby has had a 1 or 2gram increase in bodyweight each day, which is the most they've ever achieved so far.

The fruit is freely available in bowls, as is dried food, water is in a bottle, and coconut water is in a bowl.

Babies are very active, have discovered their wheel, and I think have started to engage in rough and tumble play.