Surprise! Mixed Intact Sexes are Just Not a Good Idea 11/14

The Rat Shack Forum

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Dusty hangs back a bit when the obnoxious younglings are throwing themselves at you, but he really really wants to join in. He used to shrink away from hands, but now initiates attention and he loves pats and he is a very cuddly little guy. He is also better behaved than Kaz and especially Gonzo. Gonzo is a is a monster...hahaha. He loves to launch himself into the air hoping he hits something he can grab onto. He likes to do this t the girls cage behind me, and they would EAT his toes if they were near, so I am constantly plucking him off of it...sometimes he gets by us all, and races up to the top and onto the book case...cheeky bugger. :heart:
He's hilarious except when they all want to play the Keyboard Game when I am posting, emailing or updating my records...type one word, shove rats back, type another word, shove rats back...Gonzo takes a flying leap, ends up in the middle of the keyboard...sigh...*Edit* *Undo Typing* :roll:
I have been going back and forth with Rita quite a bit and she sent this last email and I almost died work.

This is a wonderful update, and I wanted to share...

If you want to laugh you should see me husband with the rats. He likes them and has no problem with them, but generally the girls and I play with them. But my husband is home all day working so whenever he is stressed I told him he should go downstairs for some rat therapy. Basically we sit in the playpen with a large pink sheet with a head hole cut into on you and then the rats go wild. They run up you and down you all around the sheets, in the sheets, out of the sheets, chasing each other or I chase them with my hands. My daughter does it and shakes the sheets and they jump trying to get it. How much fun is that! Now you just have to picture my large bald husband with just his head sticking out of a pink sheet with the rats playing all around him - rat therapy!!!