So I'm getting crafty again, would this be worth the effort?

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Senior Member
Mar 4, 2010
Knoxville, TN
It happens every once in awhile and currently I'm in between meds so I'm going through spaces of extreme "GOTTA DO STUFF" and "... sleep... I just want to sleep..." and in all of that, I have discovered I can make easy toys and ladders for my rats.

This isn't completely pertaining to them however because these toys can go for other rodents, birds and whatnot as well.

I looooove some of the bird toys you can find made out of popsicle sticks and bells and whatnot. But they can be ridiculously expensive.
I also know that not every Tom, Dick, and Jane are as crafty as I might be though I know lots of people who are. Which means there might be a possible niche for rodent/bird toys out there for people who want them, but don't wanna pay loads out for a toy that's just gonna get chewed up and dumped in a month.

I made a quick toy for the boys based of a bird toy that has popsicle sticks and wood beads. It turned out adorable and I used paper ribbon stuff to tie it together which also is digestible and shouldn't have issues with their stomachs like other thread might. Very cost effective to make my own toys.

However... do you think someone who pay for someone like me to make such toys? I'm gonna get some food color here soon and mixed with water and everything, I can dye and dry the sticks and even make them colorful (which should be fun!... maybe messy... but fun!)

Is this a good idea or just a "Meh" thing, do you think?
There are so many people who can make pretty and awesome hammocks... but I'm not really one of those. But I can make toys.

Good idea? Bad idea? Meh?