Rattie rescued July 19 2014

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Senior Member - Vegan for the animals
Jul 21, 2007
central New Brunswick Canada
Yesterday I saw a kijiji ad for a Free rat they wanted gone that day.
The ad read "Free Rat Not hand trained. Will bite."
Not an ad that would encourage adoption as a pet.

When I inquired, I was told that he was a feeder, an 8 month old boy that had been fed to a snake but had not been eaten.
The owner's daughter decided to keep the baby rat as a pet, but didn't handle him.

I offered to socialize him if someone would give him a good home.
Someone stepped forward and offered to adopt the boy once he was socialized.

With help, I found someone (the friend of someone I know, but whom I don't know) who generously agreed to drive me to get the rattie. Since I was able to sell a rat cage yesterday I had enough money to pay for the gas.

This afternoon I was driven to Saint John to pick up the 8 month old male biter.
We met in the parking lot of a Petrocan gas station to make the exchange.
The woman was glad that he was going to a good home instead of being eaten by a snake.

He turned out to be a sweet young curious little girl.
It seems that this sweet little nameless girl may have nipped a child's finger that was poked through the bars of her tiny hamster cage.

Here are a few pictures taken after the long drive home.

in the hammock in my carrier

little shoulder sitter

Brave, curious little girl climbed out of the carrier

and a belly shot :)

Looks like an older injury to her left front ankle and her left ear
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Fantastic...she looks like a brave little fighter (and the spitting image of my recently passed Maximus, a dark brown berkshire). So happy for her!
Another lucky rat saved because of a disinterested snake. :)
I'm glad you were able to find someone to be the wheels to get her. So is she going to go directly to her new owner? Or are you keeping her for a week or so just in case?
Another lucky rat saved because of a disinterested snake. :)
I'm glad you were able to find someone to be the wheels to get her.

Yeah, fortunately I knew someone who knew someone who was caring enough to take the time to drive me in my car - I was so afraid we wouldn't be in time .... For those who may not be aware, I had a seizure so my licence was taken away, making me unemployable and making it very difficult to go anywhere.

So is she going to go directly to her new owner? Or are you keeping her for a week or so just in case?
Not sure yet ..... I have asked and I am waiting ....
I was going to keep the little bitter until she was socialized but since she isn't a bitter .....
She does nip through the bars, isn't used to being handled, and boy is she fast!
She was in heat last night so one less concern :) ... (you can never be certain of anything you are told when you rescue)
Yay Godmother! I'm so glad you are giving this vicious biter a home. :giggle:
Are you going to intro her to Hadley first before the other ladies?
Joanne, I will have both new girls doing intros, but I hadn't thought of introducing them to each other first. Could be a good idea, although it would slow down the overall intro. What do you think?

I will also try to find out what happened to Hadley's cagemate (Hadley is probably one of the duo Tally and Rodentia on Moncton SPCA's web page. I'd been told yesterday that both those girls were at Moncton, but one of them had already been sent to Miramichi). I would love to have adopted her, too.
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Perhaps you can make one more rattie's dream come true... :nod:

It may be easier to just wait and do the intros all at once. It depends how long the girls have to wait.
She will be going in to be spayed on Tuesday
She no longer nips, puts up with me cuddling her, and is very curious about other rats ...
she wants new friends .... poor girl has likely lived all alone since she was a baby
What a lucky rat! You always try to move mountains for these rescues SQ, you are a wonderful caring person for all that you do.

In Ontario, I believe you need to be seizure free for 6 months and then you can get your license back, is it the same for you?
Sweet little Patty had her first intro today. I'm making another thread called When Hadley Met Patty, because this intro might take a while!

Patty was named after a Greek mathematician Υπατία (Hypatia), pronounced something like "Eep-a-TEE-a". I didn't want to call her Eep :laugh: and I can't bear to reuse the name Tia ( a heart rat from many years ago), but Patty seemed to suit her very well.
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What a lucky rat! You always try to move mountains for these rescues SQ, you are a wonderful caring person for all that you do.

In Ontario, I believe you need to be seizure free for 6 months and then you can get your license back, is it the same for you?

Awwww ..... Thanks Jorats !

The letter I was sent from the dmv says I can have my licence back when a Dr gives the ok ... so it will be at least 6 months.