Sitting here, drumming my fingernails off ...
My Martin's shipping quote is $167 shipping, which would make the playpen $241. That's a bit more than my budget.
PRO: I love the bar spacing ... love the wire top, CON: I WISH it was QUITE a bit bigger ... (like 65x44)
The marshall's pens I linked a while back: PRO: can be made almost as big as you like if you get 2 but CON: they don't have the wire top, CON: I prefer the 29" high one, but feel a bit freaky about 1" bar spacing. CON: The one with 3/4 inch bar spacing is only 20" high. (That's a lot of cons).
We're only planning on using the pen when we're around, but not able to keep our eyes fixed on the ratties every single minute. (But 30 seconds can be long enough to breed regrets.) Does a non wire top give one that sense of security?
Coroplast - I have a rattie that gets freaked out when she feels contained and can't see out. We've tried cardboard walls before and poor Muffie spends all her out time trying to jump them. She's pretty laid back and shy so this obvious distress really upset me.
Presently they have their time out on a table, with Gracie doing the most incredible acrobatics on the edge and it takes a minimum of three people to watch her!
I just would love to find something that works for everybody!
I don't know what to do. I just needed to have a moan.