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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Guelph, ON
Phoe's new house sneezing thing never went away but the fluid was always clear until yesterday. Now there's porphyrin staining under her nostrils. :( I've never dealt with myco before but I'm pretty freaked out considering she's living beside my two healthy girls. Not to mention I can only assume it was brought about by the intros as she just doesn't relax like she did when she first arrived. She's started urinating in my hand again which had stopped after the second day she was here.
Intros can be a source of stress, which can allow an infection to take better hold if the rat is battling one.

If you hear any wheezing, or chirping, rattling, or if the porphyrin is not being cleaned off right away I would get her in to the vet for some antibiotics to help her fight it off.
It doesn't matter that Phoe's next to your resident girls. The bacteria from URI's is airborne, so the moment you brought her into the house they were basically swapping germs. Unless your resident girls' immune systems are already compromised [which I'm sure they're not since you said you've never dealt with myco flareups?] they're not in any more danger of catching the infection than they were before. Basically, Phoe was contagious long before she presented symptoms, so your girls already had their chance to catch it and haven't had any problems.

Between the new home and the intros, she may be a bit stressed, which allowed an already present infection to take a better hold. As Lise said, if she continues to present symptoms, you may want to get her into the vet for some meds.
Also, this could all be brought on by the stress of intros and could completely go away when she's happy again. Give it a bit more time before you get completely concern.
*wipes sweat from brow* I couldn't move that cage fast enough out of my room! Poor baby girl. I do have Baytril if it's needed.
But it doesn't matter where Phoe's cage is. If whatever's ailing her was going to effect the resident girls, it would have happened already. She's been 'sick' since her new home sneezes didn't go away. There's no need to keep her in a different room or anything.
Also, I've had a rat sick and not give it to any other of the 20 rats. It all depends on their immune system. Phoe is not that strong right now because of the stress of intros.

eta: Also, even if you would have done quarantine, the minute you started intros could have brought on a myco flare up, it's all about stress.
I agree with Jo. If she has Myco, she has it whether it shows up now or a year from now, she has it.

I never do QT's and I have never had a problem. My girls are really healthy. My problem will be the tumors getting my girls. But out of eight only three have gotten them. So fingers crossed they make it to rip old ages.
Yes, Shelagh is right, I thought it was contagious, lol. Myco's new to me. Phoe's cage went right back beside them once I learned this was not the case.

Her nose is clean today which is...good? Still a few sneezes here and there but since she didn't do it on me (for once) I couldn't see the colour of the discharge.
Just checking, hehe. :D Yay! Well...I heard a few sneezes from her but clear fluid so hopefully she's recovering.

It can't be healthy being the rat at the bottom of the pile all the time. Especially under those two. :lol: