Need litter box input

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New Member
Feb 11, 2019
NW Pennsylvania
I am a new rat owner. Just put together her new CN single level habitat. I would like advice on litter trays. In her old cage she did not have any type of litter box - I just cleaned out the bedding every day. This cage has a very shallow bottom tray so I think I am going to make some fleece covers for the bittom tray, and the shelf. I have looked online at litter trays/boxes... do you put bedding material in the plastic tray? I notice some have a wire shelf built in to them - is that the way to go? Tell me what works best for you... (I do intend to get Luna a companion very soon) if that makes a difference... will they happily share their “potty department”?
Many people, including myself, use an unscented paper based pelleted kitty litter in the litter boxes
(it should have no additives so no baking soda etc)

I personally use unscented yesterdays news in litter boxes

Wire is not good, can hurt feet, feet/toes can get caught etc

Rats need to live with at least one other rat. There are intro steps to follow so that no one is hurt
See and

btw the Reference Thread has a lot of good info
As SQ said, those wire guards are pretty much useless and can catch toes or tails, especially if the rats are wrestling nearby. I put about two cups worth of Exqusicat Multicat recycled paper bedding. It's not dusty, doesn't have a scent, and I have very little issues with odor. Putting in a different type of bedding into the litterbox helps reinforce the idea to the rats that this is a separate space that generally shouldn't be used for anything but potty time.

Rats are very clean animals and will find a corner to defecate and urinate in. Give Luna (and maybe her companion) about a week or so to figure out where they want their potty spot and then place a litterbox and bedding in that corner. They should start going there. Rats will very happily share the same potty space, they just sometimes need a little push in that litterboxes are the only potty space. This means placing stray poos into the litterbox to reinforce the potty space idea to them.

Some users on here will suggest something called a pee rock. It's just a rock, big enough to fit the largest rat, placed in the litterbox. Some rats will then use this rock as their special place to urinate. It can help potty train rats to use their litterbox only for peeing and pooing. However, rats will always mark, so there will always be a little urine here and there.
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