Hi from a new rat owner

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I have some interesting news for you.

I got three new girls, one older and two about 5-6 weeks old.
One of the younger ones is hairless and soooooo cute. I worry all the time that she's cold, so I gave them extra natural soft paper for their nest and I'm keeping the room about 20-22 degrees. I hope she's not cold.
She was also skinny and pretty weak at first. I deliberately chose the weakest one, as I have the Mother Teresa syndrome :)
She's becoming stronger every day, though. Her name is Pipi. Such a gentle, timid and fragile little creature. She always gets some extra treats.

Then I got Edna, the older girl. She chose me by licking me, as soon as I offered them my hand, so I had to take her. She still licks me every time I offer her my hand.

And last, but not least, there's Han. Now things get interesting.
I have no idea how this happened, although two of us were checking. Han should be a girl. Well, Han is in fact a boy. I realized that when I've already got him for a couple hours.
It's not like it's hard to tell between male and female rat, but it somehow happened that we both missed it.

I was offered to take him back, but didn't want to do that, and rather decided for neutering. Everything luckily went well and now it's the second day of his recovering and he's doing very well. He's very curious and alert, eating and drinking and everything.
He got some Metacam and he has an appointment next week so the vet can check if there are any problems.