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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
What does grunting mean for a rat? Is it a contented noise? Do your rats make that noise?

I'll tell you why I'm asking. I've noticed for a long while that whenever the boys are within good hearing distance (the little boys aren't ever still or close enough for me to hear them), Rose and Guild give these small little grunts. I've always linked them to a contented little sound, but am I right? Does anyone else have any experience in this topic?

Speaking of noises, I'm going to call the vet clinic first thing tomorrow morning and demand to have Rose put on some medication. I'm just not comfortable with the noises he's making, and his nasal sounds tonight sound congested and 'bubbily', as though he was breathing past something in his nose. His chest sounds perfectly fine to me (when I put my ear up to his body), there's no crackling or anything that I can tell. If the vet won't give me medication, I'm going to demand a second opinion, because I'm just not comfortable leaving him this way, especially since this whole ordeal started since I moved.

Thanks for any possible answers you can give me. :3
What I've noticed in my rats, some will do the low grunting noise when they are being dominant. Doesn't mean they are being bullies, just being macho.
I noticed my Maude doing some almost-inaudible grunting a few times. She is very healthy, so I was mystified.

Hmmm, they've done research on whale sounds, bird calls and chimp communication, so it's time that some biology PhD students took up studying rat talk!

And, yes, it would be good to get Rose on some meds if the breathing noises are so persistent. I get nervous when they do the gurgling sound. My vet usually prescribes Clavamox as a first step in treating a young rat with respiratory issues.