Does anyone Vape?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2015
I was wondering if any rat owners Vape and curious if it affects Myco in Ratties. I never Vape in my bedroom where my rats are but still Vape in the rest of the house. I'm too paranoid it will cause a Myco flare up in my rats. I have read studies where rats were subjected to Vape smoke for a period of time and another group was subjected to cigarette smoke, the Vape rats showed no change while cigarette rats had elevated heart rates and other symptoms. I'm just curious if anyone else has vaped around their rats and if it does affect them.
It's a electronic cigarette that only contains nicotine and produces vapor. It does not have any other chemicals like cigarettes.
I quit smoking (smoked for ten years) about a month after I got my rats because I hated that I smelled like smoke around them. Me and my bf bought the house that we live in a few months before we got the rats and we don't allow anyone to smoke or vape in the house. I tried vaping when I quit smoking, but the taste and smell was so harsh I would choke non stop.

Vape doesn't bother me too much (I don't usually like the smell) but I definitely wouldn't let anyone do it near the rats.

Things like candles, perfumes and even lotions/soaps can irritate rat respiratory systems severely. If something is strong smelling enough to annoy me, it stays away. X3

My brother and a few of my friends really enjoy vaping though. It helped my brother quit smoking and I'm happy for that because he was smoking over a pack a day.
Yeah I have not vaped in my bedroom where the rats are. I would feel to bad if I was the cause of their Myco flare up. I have to keep my girlfriend from putting lotion on when she is in the bedroom and I don't allow perfume to be sprayed in there as well. I also banned her from using candles in the room because she came home with candles one day and wanted to light them in the room, that was a big NOPE!
Hey, ive vaped for YEARS and heavily. Ive owned craploads of rats, and since the only thing "harmful" in the ENTIRE ingredient list (of FDA approved, regulated liquids) is nicotine which in itself is only harmful because it is addictive and can cause birth defects if pregnant. All of the awful reactions from cigarettes are all, 100% from the THOUSANDS of chemicals in them including INGREDIENTS IN RAT POISON, so dont smoke. But 0% of these ingredients are in vapor, and they even did a second hand vapor test that showed we dont even exhale any of the nicotine and the particles in the vapor are too big to settle and cause pnumonia like water steam can. All of my ratties have loved the smell and lived to almost 3 years with never a problem (except one had tumors that apleared and dissappeard when we lived with my mother who smoked cigarettes anyway) but all of the legit scientific studies, not "breaking news" stories, shows its actually fine! Just dont blow it in their face, because if they get a **** ton of vapor and not theor oxygen, it may make them woozy so dont be cruel. Ps, for all the people going "vaping is terrible" guess what? You remember those people who discovered cigarettes were bad for people and went out to destroy tobacco? They tried and tried to find something bad about electronic cigarettes and they couldnt find anything. "Popcorn lung" was because of a fale butter flavoring that is used in popcorn, not because of what it does to your lungs, and was discontinued years ago because of that, and the kids ending up in the hospital were buying some dudes thc concoction he made up at home and this guy wasnt a scientist so he just threw a bunch of stuff in there. Stores dont sell anything that can harm you and scientists have been trying hard to find something but so far every accusation on the news has been debunked
I was wondering if any rat owners Vape and curious if it affects Myco in Ratties. I never Vape in my bedroom where my rats are but still Vape in the rest of the house. I'm too paranoid it will cause a Myco flare up in my rats. I have read studies where rats were subjected to Vape smoke for a period of time and another group was subjected to cigarette smoke, the Vape rats showed no change while cigarette rats had elevated heart rates and other symptoms. I'm just curious if anyone else has vaped around their rats and if it does affect them.

I like this article on vaping:
It explains what the benefits of vaping can be and why it is bad, it is an educational and unbiased site, if you want to learn what vaping really does to you then you should check out reliable sources.
Vaping is something that would not be good to do around pets, rats or otherwise.
By that I mean not in the same room, and probably not in the home
I vape & I have 0 nicotine so there is no harm in it. I used to vape 60 cigarettes a day. I'm grateful for vaping to have got me off of nicotine. It makes me sad that every time I smoked ciggerettes I was demonised, now I get the same reaction of vaping. It has been proven to be safe by experts & professionals. So come on people leave us alone & enjoy your own life, we are not out to kill you or criticise you. By the way I've vaped in front of my guineas, & they have lived to the grand old age of 7 years.
Obviously this is a somewhat controversial topic, so OP was never going to get a good, clear answer from a public forum.

I don’t don’t vape, and haven’t smoked cigarettes since I was like 15. Cigarettes, like alcohol, are one of those drugs where their lasting effects and risks heighten with consecutive and frequent use, hence “overdosing”. Multiple studies have found vaping to be harmless in people, you can literally make your own juice at home if you were ever concerned about what’s in it. Regardless of the studies, it’s unarguable that vaping is Immeasurably better for you (the smoker, their environment, their kids, their pets, etc) than smoking, so handing people articles saying ‘oh, read this, it’ll tell you why to stop’ isn’t helpful when they’ve adopted the least harmful possible smoking practice available today.

As for the rat side of things, the biggest concern is likely going to be oxygen availability and scent, though perhaps a vet will have better info and I’d approach them before a forum, personally. If I expect any heavy scent in my rat’s space, then I open the window open that’s behind them so help waft the air around the so nothing ‘hangs’. I imagine that flavourless juice will be less irritating to rats than flavoured as some juices leave a lot of scent in the cloud, but maybe certain flavoured juices won’t do that (I haven’t seen or looked for any studies about rate of vapour dispersal), or you can find a vape that lets you control the cloud size. If you use flavoured juice but vape in other rooms, maybe don’t handle your rats right after vaping to allow the smell of your hands and clothes to neutralise a bit?

obviously it’s all down to common sense; if you started vaping as an alternative to smoking, then you’re benefiting your rats. If you take measures to control what potential dangers enter their space (toxic foods, strong smell, beady-eyed cats, etc etc etc) then you’re benefitting your rats.