Cappuccinos awful day… (help!!)

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New Member
Oct 10, 2021
Gosford, NSW
Today I found my female rat cappuccino (2 yrs old) hanging upside down in the cage, her leg stuck in the wires. I’m not sure how long she was there, could’ve possibly been hours since I was working. I freed her as quickly as possible. Her foot was a dark red colour, she had lots of porphyrin coming out of her eyes and nose, looked like she had chewed at her own leg, and had very yellow mucus and pus coming out of her vagina (not urethra). I cleaned her up, held her for a few hours and gave her lots of water. I am so upset and feel so guilty. I have cable tied blankets over anywhere she or the other rats could possibly get stuck again. Her foot is looking a lot better, not red at all and she’s started putting weight on it. She’s been eating and drinking lots, and has been resting. The other rats are taking good care of her. I don’t think her leg is broken, just strained. My main worry is whatever was coming out of her vagina. I cleaned all of it, and it doesn’t seem like more is coming out even when I push on her belly. It was so strong smelling, I have never seen anything like that coming out of her before. Should I be worried? I have already called a vet and they said they’d be happy to look her over. I’m worried that it’s pyometra, but I don’t know how it could have come on so suddenly. Just want a second opinion before I spend thousands at the vets. Thank you so much for any advice!
I would watch and wait for more discharge. It could have been a mix of urine and natural/normal discharge. I'm glad her foot is ok. Poor love. Treats and kisses for her!
I would watch and wait for more discharge. It could have been a mix of urine and natural/normal discharge. I'm glad her foot is ok. Poor love. Treats and kisses for her!
Hey there!
Thank you so much for your response. She rested overnight, and is able to put more weight on her leg but still limping. I’ve noticed she’s sneezing a lot and is a bit wheezy. She also had a large blood clot in her genital area that I cleaned up. Not entirely sure what to do now… Her foot is still a darker colour and feels more bendy? but is very warm and not cold. Could be possibly broken, but she doesn’t seem to mind when I touch it. I think I’m gonna take her to the vet just to be safe :) Thank you for your message, really put my mind at ease last night.