Behavioral Issues, Help really needed!

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Hi guys, I am new and came here for advice because I am at a loss. I absolutely ADORE my ratties, but it is stressing me out and making me incredibly upset because I don’t know what to do; I am not a first time rat owner.
I have two rats! One is a tan hoodled male albino Dumbo rat, he was a rescue that I took in about a year ago when the mother died and he was her only pup, I had to feed him, I raised him and I love him, eventually I realized he needed a friend but before I could get one from a breeder, my family (I still live with my folks) got a petstore rat, and of course though he was gravely ill and dying I wasn’t about to give him up!! So I got him vet care, bought him back to health, and I love him, he is just a regular fancy rat. He is actually a runty little guy and full grown now, I think. My tan dumbo is 1 year or so and the runty baby is 8 months but has never grown. I went through all the steps to introduce them, they got along great for a few months but then I started realizing my tan rat, Maui, had bloody bite marks everywhere, even on his face, and they were bad..And all the hairs on his legs were gone, I realized the runt, Calcifer, had none and I have no other rats so, I watched them for a while and realized he gets really aggressive, especially with food. I tried everything, more toys, more hiding space, they have a large cage and always have food to eat, I hold them around 2 hours a day each so I started giving both more attention, but even if I think about giving Maui attention Calcifer attacks him.
Now this is where it gets frustrating for me, my folks are headstrong and of course I can’t move out, and I am not sure I could separate the two, because Maui had lonliness issues in the first place and hurt himself because of it, I can’t get more rats because my folks won’t allow me to either and I am not sure Calcifer would be fit for other rats. Should I rehome one or both of them? It’s driving me nuts because I saved both of these rats from death or being abandoned, and I love them but on the other hand I can’t keep seeing my rat get hurt. Maybe it’s because they weren’t litter mates or because rats from petstores are so inbred? I am just not sure what to do, please somebody offer advice. I am afraid with how bad it is Calcifer might kill Maui. But I am also afraid if I get another rat, it might not get along with my boy Maui either. :,(
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Have you considered getting Calcifer neutered? He’s a good age for it and it sounds like he’s quite aggressive and territorial, which neutering should help. I’m in Canada and having a rat neutered at my vet costs $150. You can always call around to find a price that works for you, just make sure you talk to the vet work to make sure that you trust them and ask their success rate with rat neuters, which should be around 98%.
If you have access to a good vet with the knowledge and experience to safely neuter rats (only gas anesthetic is used, nothing by needle until pain meds after surgery) then you should consider having Calcifer neutered. Aggression in males rats is usually hormonal.

You could also post pics of the boys and their cage
And if either is doing any scratching or has scabs around the head neck and shoulders treating with revolution (amount depends on the med and on the weight of each rat) - a good digital scale that weighs accurately to 1 gram and has a tare function is a good thing for rat owners to have
I highly recommend doing a mite treatment. Scabs on the face and shoulders is almost always from mites. Treat both rats. Mites can also make a rat become very grumpy.
As for the no hair on his legs is mostly like from self barbering. If he's really attacking and not being playful, then a neuter will do him some good.