
The Rat Shack Forum

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  1. SookieObiRonny&Bear

    Advice please!! Rat with longer that usual teeth..

    Hello! I just was petting my pet rat Sookie (female, about 1.5 years old) in her Sputnik and I noticed that her bottom teeth are a little longer than my other rat's. I've heard of cases where rat's teeth get too long, and I don't want things to escalate. The rats have a hanging wooden chew toy...
  2. R

    Tooth Trimming (at home?)

    One of my rats has a missing bottom tooth. Ontop of this, she's not a big chewer so her two top teeth continuously keep overgrowing. The last time (and only time) I have had them trimmed so far was about three weeks ago, they did it for free because she was already getting sedated for something...
  3. SunflowerPop

    Cleft Palate in Rats?

    Last night I went over and found that Archie had a piece of fabric stuck on his teeth. Between going to the vet and giving him medicine to help calm down a nasty chest tumor he's got I guess neither my vet nor I ever got a good look at this teeth. I know that as a rat owner, teeth needs to be...