
The Rat Shack Forum

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  1. IloveDustyrats

    Accidental death

    I’m not sure this post is allowed here Im new to this site. When my rat was free roaming around my room which I had changed a lot due to her habits of climbing and chewing on things, I was playing with her and it was close to when I had to sleep so I went to change my pants into pajamas. I’m on...
  2. Nikolais!!

    Young adult w respiratory infection!!! Pls help

    Hello!!! I am new to this forum. I have three rats, all of about 8 months of age (I've had them for 7 mo). One of my girls has been sneezing all day, for the past week. I'm pretty sure she has a respiratory infection I've been keeping her and her sisters cage clean consistently, and making sure...
  3. Ela

    To Spay or not to spay

    Hi all, Does anyone have any actual experience with spaying female rats at about 1yr old to prevent mammary/piruitary tumors? We're wondering if it truly is worth it for our girls (one is 11mo. one 9mo and dwarf). We've recieved mixed advice from vets. Our go to vet is very neutral and thinks...
  4. RayRayCawCaw

    Should I still neuter my male rat?

    So I adopted my first two male rats about 10months ago now, and my one furbaby, Grunkle, was constantly showing aggressive behaviour (mounting, some extreme fighting, etc) to my other boy, Nesquik. I recently adopted a rescue, Momo, who's only about 8 weeks old, and they are all in the same cage...
  5. B


    Hello again! One of our rats, Joy, has bumblefoot in her back foot. She's about 2 1/2, if that has anything to do with it. She is a rat who lives in a cage with her brothers and sisters, and I read that has to do with it. We clean the cage regularly and we bring them out as well -- we feed them...