bloody urine

The Rat Shack Forum

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  1. Tabirat

    UTI or Kidney Issues?

    A couple of months ago, Meisha's urine started looking odd. It was after she ate carrots and anything reddish for a while, so I thought it just had to do with the food color at first. However, her pee started to consistently stay darker and stink, so I took her to the vet. They found blood in...
  2. Nathan

    UTI treatment

    Loesje has an UTI and the vet has prescribed Sulfatrim 16+80 mg/ml 0.25 ml BID for 8 days. This the first time that she has an UTI. I noticed her urine being red/brown last night. She also seems to be warmer than normal and might have some trouble urinating. She weighs 450 grams. Is this...
  3. P

    Rat peeing a lot of blood

    Please help, on Tuesday night I noticed my rat Hector peeing blood. I phoned up the vet the next morning and I got a appointment that afternoon. He’s been put on Baytril for what we hope is just a UTI. However the bleeding seems to have gotten worse today (Thursday). I’ve attached a picture of...
  4. Megan Fleischman

    Rat health deteriorating need to troubleshoot

    My poor rattie girls don’t seem to be doing as well as they used to! Two of the rats belong to my son: Nibbles (tan dumbo Rex) seems to be the only one out of the three that doesn’t show any signs of poor health except for porphyrin staining on the fur of her head, and Cocoa (standard husky)...