Looking for favorite snack

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Jul 4, 2014
Good Day all, Looking for info on a chewable item.

Some time back I had bought several packs of a very hard chewable that my older ladies and my new ladies just loved to chew on.

The item looked like a proper slice of cheese (you know the look, like a slice of pie) and was very very hard. Problem now is, I stored them in a plastic container so don't have the label. I have run out of them, and of course Pet Smart seems to not carry them anymore. If anyone knows what the make of them is, or label so I could search them out, I would thank you several times over.

My girls have turned up their noses at all the chewable I have bought, to show her displeasure, Lilly chewed through one of my computer cables when I wasn't paying enough attention to her running around on the desk.

Well thanks if you know the brand, if not have a great day.