Rat Blocks in Halifax Area?

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Dec 28, 2011
Sackville, NS
I need to go out this weekend and pick up a supply of rat blocks. I'm in Lower Sackville, so does anyone have any recommendations on which place to go in the HRM? My little ones are about 4-5 weeks old, so should I also be supplementing with baby food? I've never had rats this young, so I want to make sure I feed them properly. Thanks
Global sells Oxbow Regal Rat, get the new formulation
Zellars etc sells Living World/Hagen extrusian hamster blocks

Many of us order Harlan Tech 2014 from the Flower Town Chinchilla

For babies, I suppliment their lab blocks and daily veg with soy infant formula mixed up with baby cereal.
Some people suppliment, some don't.
I would, esp since they are so young
I would get them one of the blocks mentioned above. However, pregnant/nursing mothers and young, growing babies need more protein. You can supplement them at home with baby food as mentioned, as well as your food. They love scrambled eggs for instance. Mine eat anything I eat (but I try and make sure their food is wholesome) like rice, potatoes, spagetti, lasagna, mine had turkey dinner over the holidays (no gravy though), ground beef, salad, chicken... They love a mixed diet just as much as we do. I always have free-choice blocks no matter what though, so they can eat whenever they want. Once they are done growing (around 3 months), it is good for them to have a low protein diet. That being said, they still love a variety. Just not so much protein.
I too feed my rats Harlan 2014. I buy the 33lb bag from FTC in Ontario and split it up and freeze it. The shipping costs more than the food! But it's still a good deal, and my rats love it.
Joanne said:
I would get them one of the blocks mentioned above. However, pregnant/nursing mothers and young, growing babies need more protein. You can supplement them at home with baby food as mentioned, as well as your food. They love scrambled eggs for instance. Mine eat anything I eat (but I try and make sure their food is wholesome) like rice, potatoes, spagetti, lasagna, mine had turkey dinner over the holidays (no gravy though), ground beef, salad, chicken... They love a mixed diet just as much as we do. I always have free-choice blocks no matter what though, so they can eat whenever they want. Once they are done growing (around 3 months), it is good for them to have a low protein diet. That being said, they still love a variety. Just not so much protein.
I too feed my rats Harlan 2014. I buy the 33lb bag from FTC in Ontario and split it up and freeze it. The shipping costs more than the food! But it's still a good deal, and my rats love it.
I have nothing to add about the food, Joanne & SQ covered it all, but I couldn't leave this alone... Joanne, I'm sure you meant they're out of their baby stage & done growing so quickly & dramatically around 3 months? because they certainly aren't done growing altogether that young! :giggle: Sorry to correct you (whether you you did mean that or not) but I read that sentence & had to re-read & thought "no, that isn't right" & it was one of those things that I just had to comment on or it would have bothered me. lol

Oh, well I will mention that if you choose to order from FTC I live in NB & always get my order in just a few days so they're pretty quick. :) And it is cheaper even including the shipping because I buy 33lbs for $58 (shipping incl) & for example, to buy only 3.3 lbs of hamster extrusion at the stores is roughly $12-15... So, to get just 10lbs of that its already $36-45 vs $58 for 33lbs! lol
Thanks for the info everyone :) So it sounds like I should get the blocks locally for now, until I order the better ones for the long haul. They are quite young, so I'll also make sure I get some bay food and good fruits and veg into them. And I had never even thought of eggs, I will make them some this afternoon! I don't know if it's just me, but one of my favourite things about the ratties is watching them eat, picking it up and nibbling with their tiny little hands, lol.
NinjaRatMama said:
Joanne, I'm sure you meant they're out of their baby stage & done growing so quickly & dramatically around 3 months? because they certainly aren't done growing altogether that young! :giggle: Sorry to correct you (whether you you did mean that or not) but I read that sentence & had to re-read & thought "no, that isn't right" & it was one of those things that I just had to comment on or it would have bothered me. lol
OK, well technically the little pork chops NEVER stop growing, but yes, I was talking about their baby growth. They keep gaining weight until they plateau as senior citizens, and then start to lose weight as their health declines. At least, that's been my experience...