The Big Boy cage is in uproar!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2007
Oakdale, MN
I have several problems going on and I need help figuring out if it's one thing or several problems. Kinda a medical question, too.

Nodin was started on Pred and Baytril 3 days ago for his bad respiratory problems. Although he has regained his energy, he is still sounding the same. Do you think the meds should have taken affect by now?

I know the vet said it can alter his personality a bit. Well, he's been challenging his brother and dad more than usual. When in the cage there is usually no tusseling but when they have out time all they do is hump, flip and side step each other.

Arden seems very stressed out. He's never been the dominant one and never really had a problem being flipped over. But he's more fluffy than usual today and even got a little impatient with me. He is totally fine in the cage, though.

What is it with out time? They do run in the same room as the girls and the other boys but they are wihin two feet of them both while in their cages and they never have a problem. I'm really frustrated with them right now! They like their out time but the fighting drives me insane!
Do they share the same area out time as the other rats? That could be your main problem. Also, being in the same room with intact females and if they are intact males can cause all kinds of hormonal stress.

eta: give the meds a bit more time to take effect.
I would say that Nodin is feeling a bit crappy so he's being a bit of a pill. I wouldn't worry too much. I have never noticed meds (steroids included) change the behaviour of my rats, but illness will.
Thanks guys. :) The boys have been in the same room as the intact girls for almost a year now, so wouldn't they be used to it? I would have thought that they would have been stressed out earlier.
Oh, that makes a difference, so I'd say it's not because of the girls. But like Shelagh mentioned, illness can do that. Also, if they have mites, it can make them frustrated.