Computer Woes

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
GTA, Ontario
I've about had it with my computers!! There is ALWAYS something not working, something going wrong. What is it today? An infestation of Virus/Spyware/Trojans that have also removed key windows components. I now have no volume control, internet explorer, and the mouse flashes repeatedly.

I'm trying my hardest today to rescue all my files, moving them to another computer's drive. It's taking forever to transfer everything, but I'm willing to wait. I just can't believe how much :horsepoop: has installed itself.

I'm frustrated. The computer used to be able to play my online games, but gradually its been getting slower. Last night something broke into my system and now it's spammed like crazy. I even have FAKE antivirus trojans on the computer. It's never ending!

As soon as everything finishes transferring, I'm going to have to wipe the hard drive clean and start from scratch. We have more than one computer for internet and word documents... but this is MY GAMING computer. And in my online game we have a Guild Tournament/Battle tomorrow! Nooo! I'm a core member of the team, playing a mid-line caster. Lol, I'm a little geeky with my online games :oops:
ratamataz said:
You need a Mac. Heh heh! :mrgreen:

Lol! Your so right! ;) I've been wanting one, but at the time really can't afford to buy myself a new computer :lol: A lot of people recommend macs for computer graphics, using photoshop, etc. One day... :cheeky:
Thanks! I've been trying to move files all day, but it has so many problems you have to do it 1 by 1 or it crashes :doh: I think I've saved most of my rat pictures... I hope :( Were now being selective about how much we can rescue, we've been doing this since about 1 in the afternoon.. it's now 10:10 pm and we've hardly gotten anywhere. I think I'll just :hithorse: my computer lol
1 file at a time! Oh lord...
This should be a reminder to us all, back up your files, pictures, documents before there's a crash.
Luckily most of my important files I have backed up previously, so I'm not too worried. However, a lot of my newer photographs and documents haven't been backed up, so thats my main focus right now. It's still such a huge pain, I think I'll triple back everything up when I have some spare time. Thats the only thing I find with digital photos... if you don't back them up, they're lost :( I'd really like to get a lot of photos printed and put into an album. I'll have to find out what the best way to do that is.. either buy my own ink and paper, or go to a store. I'll have to compare prices.. my home printer does a good job though, but ink can be pricy.