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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Midland, ON
Sorry I am going to vent here.

Some of you know. At the end of May my to be mother in law had a massive heart attack. She went into the hospital the night before with chest pains and trouble breathing, they said it was just her reflux disease, gave her something to help and she started feeling better. She went home. The next day she felt even worse and went up again. They didn't do any testing. Left her in the waiting room for an hour with chest pains and trouble breathing. The doctor automatically assumed that she was having the same problem with her reflux disease. He made her drink water which made the situation worse. Told her he'd have to find something to send her home with and she told him "you can't send me home, I'm dying' he laughed at her. But at that time fortunately took blood. She kept ringing for the nurse and eventually the nurse pushed her out into the hallway saying they needed her spot to do stiches. She was almost unconcious with pain when she was able to grab someone walking past and said help. The nurse immediately noticed she was having a heart attack. She was transferred to Newmarket hospital where she stayed for almost a month. While she was in the hospital she got fluid on her lungs and had to be medicated because of that.

She's been home now, Wayne and I have been taking care of her. When she left the hosptial she was put on a strict rule of only 2 litres of fluid per day. She has numerous people coming in and out of the house to help take care of her. We had a nutritionalist come in the other day to educated us on how to feed her properly (since she can't really make her own meals).

She is having tests done now to put her on the heart transplant list as her heart is only working 10%.

Today the nurse came and told her she should make an appt with her doctor to either be put on puffers or oxygen as she has been having trouble breathing. Wayne and I took her in but had to leave as the doctor was running an hour late. We had to go to work.

Wayne just called me to tell me she's been admitted to ICU because she has fluid on her lungs. *sigh*

Rose (my to be mother in law) is one of the most kind and caring women I have ever met. She always thinking about the other person first. She will be out shopping and see something that someone might like and buy it for them. It is hard to see her in this condition because she's so independent.

When Wayne told me I asked him if I should stay home this weekend (I was going to Sudbury for a wedding). He told me that after he goes to the hosptial after work he will let me know what he thinks.

So I wait and I am just sick with worry about her. :(
I'm so sorry you are going through this. :hugs:
Hearing about the poor care your mother in law recieved at the hospital makes me very angry. They had no right to treat her that way.
I am so sorry you had to deal with those rude and incompetant hospital staff.
Rose sounds like a lovely, caring woman, and it is so sad that she has to go through this.
Take care, and hopefully everything will turn out for the best. :hugs:
Sending best wishes and healing thoughts for Rose.
Our health care system really needs to get better.
Your poor mother in law. She's so lucky to have the both of you there taking care of her.
Sending her healing balloons! :balloons3:
Just as everyone else said, it's great you guys are there for her, she shouldn't of been treated that way at the hospital and I hope she gets better soon.
That is appalling. You have every right to be upset. It's kind of like that Grey's Anatomy episode where one doctor happened to be walking by the waiting room and asked the other if he'd been there long as he didn't look too good.

I can't quite recall what happened but some organ was pushing its way out of his body, heh, and no one paid him any attention except for that one doctor.

I am very sorry you're going through this. She's very lucky to have you both.
Oh my goodness that is just awful!!! :evil: How could they not see anything like that? I mean really, what sort of doctors are they, not to be able to diagnose a heart attack. :? I've dealt with lots of cruddy doctors, but I hope none would be so ignorant or unobservant.

I really hope Ms. Rose gets to feeling better! I'll be keeping her in my thoughts and if you wouldn't mind I'd have her included in our family's prayers (not my thing, but "when in Rome, do as the Romans do"...) The poor dear. *hugs to you all*

And kudos to you and your husband for taking such wonderful care of her and helping her out. I understand how hard it is to see someone in pain and sick when usually they are very independent and strong. *more hugs*
Thanks so much guys.

She's out of the hospital. They wanted to keep her longer but she has a really important hostpital visit tomorrow at Toronto General in regards to her being put on the transplant list.

I hope she gets one soon. Wayne and I both thank you for the well wishes and I will keep you all updated.
I thank you for all your thoughts and wishes of health. I thought I would update you.

Waynes mom came out of the hospital on Monday. They wanted to keep her longer because she still wasn't feeling well. But Rose had an important appointment at Toronto General on Tuesday that she had to go to.

At her appointment in Toronto on Tuesday she got some good and bad news

Good News:
1: Her heart has healed some which means she may not have to have a heart transplant YAY. The doctor still really wants to put in a pacemaker and I think put in an artificial valve.
2: She's been asked to do some walking (one block at first then move up). I see this as good news because exercise is so important for her.
3: The doctors were impressed how long she had been home before going back into the hospital (1.5 months) and this leads me to the bad news.

Bad News:
1: it will take two months for her to be put on the transplant list
2: now this next news was a little shocking. As I said the doctors were impressed how long she was at home after coming out of the hosptial before going back in. BECAUSE they said that she will be going in and out a lot. They said that it may only be a couple of weeks before she goes back in. Either because of fluid on her lungs or other problems. Because her heart is not working properly there is only so much 'abuse' her body can take. So we will notice she will be going into the hospital more and more and will eventually spend more time there then at home. Also there will come a point where she will no long be able to eat and keep it down and eventually will have to be put on IV to be fed.

It really sucks. But I am somewhat happy I know this in advance. At least we will be prepared for her coming and going a lot.

So I will keep you updated.
Oh no... in a way it's good news but it feels like the future is so scary for her.

At least she's now got a diagnosis and no more of them laughing at her. Being in and out of the hospital will at least give her body breaks and force her to relax.

We'll continue to keep her and your family in our thoughts.