Lump under throat; needle aspiration revelation is ???

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Mar 2, 2013
Hi everyone,
My Gastonne developed a lump under her throat. I felt it for the first time two weeks ago. Growing bigger and bigger in the last week, I went to the vet this Tuesday. I needle aspiration has been done and what came out of it was....weird. The vet ask another vet to be sure. Stuff was dark red, almost brown. Microscopic exam shown bacterias as well as abnormal cells. Gastonne is on baytril for at least two weeks.
Have you ever had something like this coming from a lump?
I had a boy with something like that. They thought bone cancer since the cells were abnormal, but test came back negative just a very nasty infection. He had to stay on flagyl and pain meds - if he came off the flagyl it came back.
Thanks for the input Dspch911. After few days, the lump hasn't shrunk. I'm going back to the vet this week for her second shot of Ivermectin so I'll have it check again
I uploaded a picture to show :

My guy's lump was under his jaw and moved around - sometimes along the jaw line. It was not where your's is presenting nor was it ever that big. If that's right under the ear could be a ZGT.
That looks a little low for a zymbal gland tumour. Did the vet check her molars? I would have her on antibiotics for infection, maybe a tooth abscess or a salivary gland infection.
OMG! The mass burst! I've an appointment Tuesday next week for removal if this huge one and few others if they are able to. She does'nt seem in pain, still eating. Poor little mama...

It's redish brown, no smell. She's still on baytril since the vet found bacterias in the needle aspiration. We hoped the mass would shrink since but it didn't.
With what came out of the aspiration, she consulted another vet because she haven't seen this "stuff" before. A mix a bacterias and abnormal cells.
She is actually probably more comfortable since it popped, relieving any pressure. You could clip the hair off around the lump and opening and gently clean it every day if she can't reach it.
She should be OK. :)
Gastonne is back from the day surgery now. Poor mama, she finds it very difficult to eat with this compressive bandage. The op has been perform by another vet. She removed the big burst mass only, since she said they were all enlarged lymph nodes. I have to make some kind of a turtleneck shirt for Gastonne for when I'll removed the bandage tomorrow morning. ...that will be lovely....not.
This last vet wasn't very positive about the outcome :(
She is a strong "woman"!! She jumped of her cage to snuggle into my arms.
I need to clean this pretty little face since she can't reach it.
I'm unable to download pics now, don't know why :(
This is Gastonne the day she came back from the surgery. Still a lot sleepy from the anesthesia. She removed herself the bandage during the night. I left it this way, anyway she's unable to reach the wound with her teeth.
