The no name PEW boys have arrived!

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Senior Member
Aug 5, 2014
So they are here and cute as buttons but the tiny one is clearly sick even though I was told that none had symptoms of sickness...He has a little sneeze and congestion in his chest and is clearly much smaller than his other half. The bigger boys is 118grams and the small boy is 65grams. They are both eating and drinking, actually the smaller one can't see to get enough food haha he is eating his little heart out right now.



Here is the box that the vicious 65 gram boy came in...She didn't want him near the other boy either.




Yea he is a rat favorite :) they love to carry him around but one day I guess he got on Boo Bears bad side and got his eye chewed out haha.
So our little dean is not doing so good, you can hear his little congested chest and you can feel every little bone in his back and hips :( I went out and bought some baby food but I did forget the formula as I am hoping if I get some good food in him that he might feel a bit better. I have only seen him nibble a piece of oxbow today and haven't seen him drink but lots of sleeping. I don't know what he was eating before all I was told is that he was a biter and the tip of his tail was injured because a friend of a friend of a friend tried to feed him to a snake but the snake wouldn't eat him.Is he even big enough or old enough for meds? all I have is the doxy..I have to get more baytril.
Azithromycin (10 mg/Ib) is an antibiotic for babies. You get it from a pharmacy by prescription from a vet
People often divide the powder in half before mixing it as it is only good for 10 days once mixed up

Baytril + azithromycin (10 mg/Ib) orally, twice a day, for at least 6 weeks if it is helping .... is a good combo for respiratory infections
Azithromycin is not as effective alone (I have only used it in combo with baytril)

organic soy infant formula, thickened with organic baby cereal would be good.
The formula is the closest thing to a rat mamas milk and would get fluids into him.
Make sure he stays hydrated as dehydration will kill

hope he is soon feeling better, poor little baby has been through so much
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I'll pick up formula tomorrow as for the vet..I will try to get him there saturday and he did eat some baby food (peas) but still isn't drinking water, I will keep trying to encourage him to drink and hope that he takes the hint and starts doing it without my help :) oh he also ate a banana baby puff earlier.
Glad to hear the little guy is putting on weight!

The spider is pretty cute--I tried to give my girls little teddy bears at Christmas, but they shredded them.
I thought for sure my rats would destroy it too but other than the one time Boo Bear chewed the eye, they all just carry him around and stash him in random places and forget about it until of course someone else finds him and tries to drag him off and then there is some tug o war that goes on but no chewing.
Today's weigh in..I'll just do a weight chart kind of thing here haha
Sam weight Dean weight
4/1 119grams 4/1 65 grams
4/4 139 grams 4/4 76 grams
4/7 158 grams 4/7 91 grams

Dean is still not a fan of people but we are working on it :) Sam has warmed right up and even gives you kisses on your hands.




Little update on our PEW boys...Sam is doing fantastic! he is growing like a weed and has become a little social butterfly :) Dean however is slowly growing..he is putting on weight but his size hasn't changed half as much as sams and definitely not as much as you would expect of a growing baby rat. He is still unsure if I am friend or foe most of the time as well but that is a time thing for him that I understand being he was almost fed to a snake by the hands of humans.He is also having alot of trouble kicking his chest cold which we fear is on the verge of being pneumonia...He is on Doxy now and I think I read somewhere that it wasn't good for baby rats so any suggestions of a good one if it isn't that I can suggest to the vet to switch him to and if not than we will keep him on that...Dean is 124grams now and Sam is 218grams.
Amoxicillin is safe for growing babies, so Clavamox might be a better option at this point, especially if you think it is pneumonia. He should be growing like his brother, so much of his energy is probably going in to fighting this infection.
I will mention it tuesday at the vet..He doesn't do anything really just sleeps in his corner in the bottom of the cage.Sometimes he shows interest in coming out with his brother during out time but he is so scared of being out of the cage that he wheezes the whole time and within a few minutes is to exhausted to really do anything but sleep. When he is in his cage and calm then his breathing is quiet but as soon as he gets excited or scared then he starts having trouble and it is really sad to watch because Sam likes to play with him and he wants to play too he really does he just can't for that long :( The very tip of his tail is still black as well which I was hoping that part would have falling off by now but it hasn't for some reason though that is the least of my concerns at this point.