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Feb 7, 2014
Hi, I have 2 male rats that are 5 months old. I had them out and about running in my room and then they ate their oxbow regal rat food which they have been fully on for a week and a carrot, cauliflower and snap peas, little bits of each of those. I came into my room 20 minutes later and my one rats face is covered in drool or water and he was trying to regurgetate, everything about their day was normal. Does anyone know what I should do or what's happening? Please HELP!
It's possible that he may have choked on something. Is he doing okay now? Is he breathing normally? Not gasping for air or anything?

Rats can't vomit. I'm thinking it's possible that the wetness could be an overproduction of fluid to lubricate and remove the stuck piece?
Sometimes rats can choke on food, even simple lab block such as oxbow. The drooling is a common sign of this. Because rats cannot vomit, the only way for them to pass an obstruction like that is to drool excessively and try to break it down that way. If it is too late to take him to a good vet now(it is 11 pm for me), you should just let him try to work it out on his own. He may be tired afterwards, that is normal, as this can take several hours.
I'm thinking he choked as well from reading other stuff on the internet, he is taking things very slow, his breathing may be a bit slower but I think it's still good. I just turned the lights down and tried to make things as relaxing as possible, i hope this will pass.
Sounds like a typical choke and they almost always pass. Vets cannot do much for choke unless the rat has stopped breathing (rare) so its usually best to keep an eye on them, hands off them and just let them work it out.
I dont know how long it took him to work it out because it occured late at night but by the time I woke up this morning he was his normal self! Yay! :love4: