Rats Confuse Me

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2013
London, Ontario
Yes they do. It mostly comes down to our girls and the way they are.

My girls seem to really like me, they will come over to me when I get anywhere near the cage, They climb the bars and line up excitedly looking at me and following me around.

If they're out they will come up to me, and sometimes play little games with me running back and forth playing "cat and mouse".

Then we have special cases, same behaviours as above, but different.

Starbuck, my most special girl. So gentle, not an aggressive hair on her body. She looks to me for security, she loves to climb up on my shoulders to feel safe and will hide between me and the couch, peeking out from behind my back, swaying away.

Squeeker, Starbucks daughter and extremely skittish. Still comes to me, follows me, and enjoys performing rodentistry, she's soft and sweet and will sometimes even roll over when sleepy so I can rub her belly.

Trouble, just as the name says, she is, always getting into things, being sneaky and knowing damn well what shes doing when she runs over to me to say "look what I'm doing" before running away.

But as much as my girls all do this, They never seem to want to be handled much.

Starbuck will shove my hand away with her little paws/face most times, and/or walk away, not run, but walk away and hide when I try to pet her.

Squeeker, this one is odd. If I try to pick her up, she freaks completely out, screaming, running, bouncing and does NOT want to be handled, but if I do catch her, she will hang out on my shoulder and cuddle.....except on the extremely rare circumstance I am able to scoop her up without so much as a noise, not a peep, not a squeak, not even scared body language.

Trouble, she will peep and squeak most times when I try to pet her, but she'll give me kisses and roll over for belly rubs, she'll lay on her back and play with me while I tickle her, and she looks like she has a really good time too.

So why are they so confusing???

Confusing as they may be, I love them all, and I know they love me.
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oh that's girls for you!! I had girls who were the same way, happy to see you, but when it comes to being held, picked up, hanging out on shoulders, etc, it had to be on their terms

I think they just need to know they can run off and be their busy selves when the urge strikes lol

when they get older, they may tolerate more loving before that urge hits
I have a boy who does this. He is happy to hang out an eagerly comes to say hello, but shrinks away when I pet him. I just accept it as part of who he is. Nai is a funny little guy. Rats are silly.