I believe my rats have MITES ...Now what?

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Apr 11, 2014
IMy rats have been itching a lot lately and I see 2 tiny brown spots on one's ears. Is there a safe over-the-counter medicine I can use for mites? Or is it to the vet they go?
Im freezing all their bedding for at least 48 hours so no bedding for awhile. Would a plastic tub be ok for them to sleep in ?
I need all the advice I can get! Thanks in advance!
You will need to get Revolution. Best place to get it is most likely the vet. More people will come along with advice on that. I dont see why a plastic tube wouldnt be okay. You wont be able to get rid of them until your rats get meds anyways. Where do you think they got the mites from? Did you just get them? Were you at a friends house who has rats? Any other likely causes?
Cat. kitten or dog Revolution from a vet. A tiny drop is placed on the back of the neck and is good for 4 weeks.
Other brands and meds from pet stores will not help and may cause serious harm to your pets.

Revolution is good for mites and lice so I would suggest you start with that.

However, mites are too small to see ... they are assumed when rats are scratching more around their heads and shoulders and leaving scabs. So, if what you saw are parasites, you rats may have something else ....

One way that pet rats get mites is from their bedding. It is important to freeze bedding for 72 hours after purchase to kill all parasites that may be I it.

Freezing bedding, washing everything, cleaning the cage, freezing or throwing out anything wooden are good ideas but will need to be done once they are treated. with Revolution .... and all are treated, not just those who are scratching.
I have not seen any evidence of mites, lice or fleas. I just see those tiny brown spots on ear ( in photo) No dandruff flaky stuff or scabs either. So Revolution? What about the good things I read about food grade diatomaceous earth? of invectmin?
Im confused!
You will need to get Revolution. Best place to get it is most likely the vet. More people will come along with advice on that. I dont see why a plastic tube wouldnt be okay. You wont be able to get rid of them until your rats get meds anyways. Where do you think they got the mites from? Did you just get them? Were you at a friends house who has rats? Any other likely causes?

I let the guys out in my living room and they went under the couch and I'm wondering if they got it from dog hair under there or dust bunnies? However I did vacuum before I let them go. Also, I bought a fake sheep-fur bed at petsmart and what if they were in there?
I have not seen any evidence of mites, lice or fleas. I just see those tiny brown spots on ear ( in photo) No dandruff flaky stuff or scabs either. So Revolution? What about the good things I read about food grade diatomaceous earth? of invectmin?
Im confused!

Where is the photo? Its possible its just porphyrin on their ears not buggies. A rat rubs over its nose and eyes then over its ears when grooming, causing porphryin transfer.

If you think you might have mites going on, gently feel over their shoulders, neck and head for any scabs...dig your fingers in deep to the skin and feel for any scabs. Mites like to start on these areas. Lice will be visible, and prefer the back and rump to start...just part the fur and look for moving things on the skin or in the fur near the skin.

Here are pics of both and treatment options.
