How to discourage a dumb rat hoarding

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Active Member
Jul 22, 2015
I have three male rats, getting on in age. I have always left their cage open on a desk, which means they come and go as they please. 1 is a hoarder. He makes a mess of the cage, because he just has to move the food to the back of the cage, even if he ends up just moving it 10 centimetres.

Now this was a pain, but he is now feeling pretty chuffed with himself, as he finally discovered how to climb down to the floor last week (their cage is always open on the desk, and the other two have long known how to climb down and climb back up, in fact since it is winter they often climb onto my bed at night and crawl under the covers). Anyway "Sweeney" has figured out how to climb down now as well, but since he has not figured out how to climb back up, he has taken to hoarding food under my chair.

So, has anyone successfully transitioned a rat away from hoarding behavior once they have started?

Also, one of my rats loves to sit on my neck/shoulder when i am lying down on my stomach reading or on the computer. He often faces my legs with his tail hanging down next to my cheek. Occasionally he sits the other way round, facing the same direction I am. When he does this, if I do not have a headset on, he will nip my ear. Not an attack bite, but enough to be painful and occasionally draw blood ( but not really leave a wound). Not sure why he does it other than my ear is there.
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I don't know if that's really a thing you can do. It's kind of part of their nature. It's like asking a dog to stop sniffing butts.
Hoarding is completely normal and healthy for them. I would allow it for sure.
For the ears... I think he's just looking for your reaction. Maybe he wants you to play with him?
Yeah, I know it is natural, just it seems most don't bother to do so (or at least in my experience), so was just hoping i could stop him.

Though mind you the same rat, is the only rat to chew on my bed covers lol.

And he is unbelievably active now. I walk around he follows me. I guess the floor is still new to him since the other 2 figured out how to climb down about 8 months ago. Mind you, though he has also figured out how to climb onto my bed, he has still not figured out how to climb back to his cage, so he is not the brightest rat around.

Thank you
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